![]() My friend and fellow lightworker Erin Sikopoulos said: "I feel very called to gather with my fellow healers to do healing work on a grand scale to clear and neutralize the disharmonious and erratic energy swarming our country." Erin hosted her event in New York and I participated via Skype with Beth and Melanie from The Healing Tree! Together, the group focused our attention on clearing excessive energy from our nation using gemstones, imagery, and meditation. Erin guided us to clear "fogginess" with sodalite, then unite heart and head with Lapis Lazuli. Feel free to use the clearing and unifying energies any time by meditating on the mandala in the photograph. The mandala created for Be The Light includes 4 Sodalite and 9 Quartz Spheres from Gemisphere as well as Pacific Northwest sand, 1 slice of Rocky Mountain Lapis Lazuli, and 3 Atlantic Ocean seashells. The design in the sand represents our ability to "digest" the world as it is. Note: seashells spiral the same way despite the various specimens - clockwise - which, I believe, indicates the direction of an energy vortex. Enjoy the peace and clarity!
![]() This year, so many people have felt intense energy levels going higher and higher, finally reaching their peak on Election Day. Now, the morning after we always have mixed feelings, no matter what the year! Often, we get a combination of relief and disappointment, but mostly uncertainty. We ask over and over: what will happen over the next 4 years? How is this going to work? How will this affect me and my family? So many questions and all we can do is WAIT…. It’s frustrating for everyone, regardless of viewpoint! I asked myself, what can we ALL do to relieve that frustrated and uncertain emotional state? Flower Essences were the solution. Because they address the underlying patterns of emotions and attitudes, Flower Essences can have cumulative and long lasting effects when used appropriately. Through my intuitive process, I have just created a very simple blend to help soothe and support people’s frazzled nerves for the future. I discovered the three that would benefit anyone in this situation are Heather, Rock Water, and Impatiens in the ratio of 2:4:5 drops. Heather helps us to embrace our empathy for others rather than to over-vocalize our viewpoint. In the negative state of Heather, we can become obsessed about expressing our thoughts and feelings without regard for others. We can get so wrapped up that we don’t notice anyone but ourselves. With Heather, we find our compassionate selves again. Rock Water has a grounding effect that helps us think through situations so that we respond rather than react. When we have such high expectations for ourselves and others, we may become unreasonable and, if I may say, perhaps unpleasant to be around. We can even start to judge ourselves and others by standards no one can attain. Rock water ultimately provides us with the valuable assets of patience and perspective. Impatiens is one of my personal “go to” essences. Often, I want change to occur as soon as I recognize a problem. Sadly, that is simply not realistic. I need to be patient with myself and FOR myself. With patience comes calmness and focus. I find that with Impatiens, I allow myself to breathe again, and my family does, too. Peace, everyone! Peace. A friend of mine recently inspired me to share one of the best gifts I learned through Reiki. She mentioned that she liked using a certain centering tool to calm herself and her (eight!) kids. When she told me this "prayer" was from Reiki, I had one of those ever-welcome "A-ha!" moments to share with my readers ;-)
Many people know that The 5 Pillars of Reiki come from Mikao Usui, the Original recipient of Reiki. However, the version I use incorporates the same concepts, but uses language that speaks to my heart and comes from my friend Reiki Master/Teacher Jane. Here is my favorite expression: "Just for today, I choose Peace. Just for today, I choose Joy. I live my life with Love and Integrity. I am Kind to all Living Beings. I express Gratitude for my many Blessings." Some of my students noticed similarity to some 12-step programs which use the "Just for today..." phrase. I realized that invoking this one idea of being in the present, we become grounded. Being grounded, we are NOT replaying past events or fretting about what may - or may not - happen in the future! Saying this in the morning helps me to remember to live today the best way I know how and to appreciate the gift of the new day - even when it's raining - or too hot - or snowing! I've used this as a prayer before meals to help me invoke Reiki at the dinner table to bless my food, my family, and myself. I also find it makes a big difference when everyone at the table says a line or two! Of course, I use it at the start of any Reiki session, but I even use it at bedtime to close the day in peace and I do rest easier. Try it - share it - live it ... the best way you know how. Peace! "Hello Everyone!" sings a strong, upbeat voice at the other end of the room. It's Eileen, the teacher and creator of Biofield Tuning and I'm finally her class! The 14 students contain our excitement because we inherently KNOW that what we are about to learn will forever change lives - ours and our clients. The top-floor studio of the old train station in Burlington, Vermont has a view of the buzzing downtown district. However, the back of the building holds a breathtaking view to the West over Lake Champlain and the mountains of New York. Lovely! I'm always up for a great view, but I bring my focus back into the classroom after the short break. After all, I AM here to LEARN!!! We get started with a quick overview of the techniques and protocols and then we're ready to start our hands-on portion. Each student gets "trained" while working on a fellow student. It's my turn and the forks are longer than I've used before so they feel unwieldy. I feel energy with my hands all the time, but this is different. The forks are doing the work and I'm doing the listening. Working my way through the student's field, I pick up several places of incoherence. The forks naturally resolve the static-y sound and the tones become clear and open with the repeated strikes on my trusty hockey puck. Towards the end of the process, I feel the weight - yes, energy has weight! - and finish the session. My fellow student says she feels significant relief when I'm done and truthfully, I am relieved, too. It's more tiring than it looks! In those moments, I learned to listen, feel, and process through the energy patterns of my "client" in ways I had never felt. These powerful techniques are in some ways still "works in progress" even though they've been developing over the past 20 years. By introducing coherence in our energetic fields, we clear the "static" and it is static which causes us to develop and stay in our old patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. My particular group included several New Yorkers - some who were still affected by the attacks on the Twin Towers in 2001. One man requested that his session focus on resolution of recurring pain and injuries with his left foot. As the student began the session, minor issues from birth on were resolved quickly. Then, our fellow student found The Spot. We all felt heaviness in the room and as it turned out, that place corresponded with the timing of 9/11! As he relayed his experiences from that day, emotions he didn't know were still there came up. The practitioner continued to bring coherence to the area and he was able to let go of those old stuck emotions. After several minutes, the emotion passed and the heaviness in the room lifted. A sense of relief and lightness took over, and the session ended with smiles and hugs! But wait, what about that foot? All I know is that his pain was reduced immediately and if I hear more you can bet I'll share it here. Peace! UPDATE 8/9/16 - As promised! I recently heard from the gentleman with the foot pain. The following is the exchange between Biofield Tuning Practitioners and Students: A: "I experienced a benefit from the session [T.] did. This was during our training. Eileen, as well added to the healing in the latter part. There are various causes for neuropathy, in my case nerve damage on both feet from a smash collision. I did physical therapies, acupuntcure, hyperbaric, cryotherapy as well as nutritional supplementation, IV's, B12, niacin. That Biofield Tuning session though had a transformative effect on me and the trauma associated with the damage." J: "Thanks, A. How has your neuropathy been since your session with [T.]?" A: "Hi J, more on the side of ease than discomfort. I sense that there's layers that present themselves and how I approach this, becomes the fulcrum as to the next outcome. Does this make sense? The session at Level 1 [training] was one of those "fulcrums" which precipitated greater ease." In my experience energy or vibrational therapies - like anything worth pursuing - take time and as stated above, often present themselves in layers. This modality works exceptionally well in conjunction with other therapies such as Reiki, flower essences, and crystals. If feeling better sounds good to you, I invite you to consider this modality. If you're local to the DC area and would like a sample of this work, come to my workshop on Saturday, August 13th at 2 pm. Check the Calendar for details. |
AuthorAlicia "Cici" Becker works to bring more balance to the world one session at a time. Archives
September 2019
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HoursM-F: 10am - 8pm
Sa: 12pm - 5pm Central Time Zone |
LocationLake County Illinois